Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.
— Vince Lombardi
If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.
— Mario Andretti


What Software Should Be

Our guiding principle is simple: excellence in every line of code. The common industry practice of building software that merely functions is shunned here; instead, the focus is on creating applications that embody the highest standards.

Precision in coding is treated with the same reverence an artist reserves for their masterpiece, where every detail counts. Developers are not just coders; they are craftsmen who understand that every commit to a repository is a commitment to quality.

We believe that software, much like a finely crafted timepiece, should not only perform its intended function but do so with the utmost reliability and efficiency. Performance is a primary design goal, not an afterthought; thus compensating for poor software with better hardware is anathema to us.

In the same vein, security is paramount; every product undergoes rigorous tests and employs appropriate techniques to ensure the protection of data and transactions is not just a feature but a foundational aspect.



Tools Of The Trade

The only way to build quality software is with the proper tools and techniques - these are the ones we have picked for our projects.


Rust leverages the best ideas of earlier languages, offers the performance of low-level languages and ensures complete memory safety at compile time. It boasts a large and continuously growing ecosystem of libraries that facilitate rapid development. Every backend we do is pure Rust.

Cloud services

In all but very specific cases, contemporary technology projects that are not cloud-based are missing out. We bring extensive expertise in Azure and all the essential tools for modern cloud development and deployment, including CI/CD pipelines and Docker.


Many software solutions necessitate the judicious use of cryptography to ensure data security, both at rest and in transit, as well as to authenticate users and transactions. Our team of subject matter experts can select the appropriate primitives for each use case. And just to be clear, you never want to "roll your own crypto."


While REST and TLS are commonly used and standard, they may not always be the optimal choice for backends or APIs, especially when dealing with a high volume of users or transactions. We possess extensive experience in developing and implementing custom binary protocols over UDP when such requirements arise.

Artificial Intelligence

Considering the current landscape, it won't be long before virtually every software solution incorporates AI services to some extent. We've already integrated OpenAI services and can seamlessly incorporate GPT-powered functionalities into any of our projects.


While we typically prefer to leave frontend development to specialists, some projects demand an end-to-end solution. We have extensive experience with both React and React Native, ensuring we can assist with your web applications or mobile apps for Android and Apple platforms.


Our clients

Our studio thrives in the development of innovative solutions – whether it's building an entire platform from backend to mobile app, designing and implementing secure communication protocols for massive throughput, or providing expert integration support to development partners. Here’s a glimpse at some of the clients who have trusted us with their technology.